A Western History Timeline

During the middle ages, the Christian church spread across Europe and north Africa. This paved the way for a new style of architecture and clothing that came to be known as the Western style. In the nineteenth century, European empires began to expand to cover much of the world. This resulted in unprecedented industrialization and…

The Western Trail

During the late 1860s, the Western Trail was one of the most important and popular routes for cattlemen to move their stock north. It was first traveled by Captain John T. Lytle in 1874, and became famous for its capacity to move thousands of longhorns from Texas to Nebraska. By 1893, six million cattle had…

A Brief History of Western Civilization

Throughout the centuries, Western civilization has developed a variety of great ideas and innovations. In the modern era, Western culture has spread to most parts of the world. The ancestors of Westerners are believed to have originated in Europe, where they created a variety of indigenous religions. These include Hellenic, Slavic, Germanic, and Celtic religions….