The Western History Timeline

The western history timeline is a list of major events that shaped the development of Western culture and civilization. Its origin is in ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, but it eventually spread throughout the world and remains the dominant culture of modern North America, South America and much of Oceania. The Western history timeline covers…

The Western Trail and Its Importance to the American Economy

In 19th century America, as many as six million head of cattle and a million horse traveled from Texas to northern stockyards. During this time, the Chisholm, Western, Goodnight Loving, and Shawnee Trails were the major livestock thoroughfares. In 1874 South Texas rancher John T. Lytle initiated the Great Western Trail to meet a humanitarian…

The Middle East – A New Western History

The traditional story of Western history is all around us: set out in school textbooks, encoded implicitly into children’s stories and Hollywood movies, proclaimed loudly and angrily by commentators on both sides of the political spectrum. It describes the history of civilization as a relentless ascent from primitive barbarism to enlightenment, with the West leading…

What Is Life Insurance?

Life Insurance is a contract with an insurance company that guarantees your beneficiaries a specified sum of money upon your death. It is funded by premium payments. Life insurance provides peace of mind for your loved ones and can help pay for expenses like funeral costs, debts, college tuition, and other income replacement. There are…

The History of America

The history of america is the story of a people, the country they made and the tough and thrilling adventure it has been. It is the tale of conquests, wars and political experiments. It is also the story of economic and social struggles, and a series of successes and failures. The earliest Americans were Native…

The Impact of Western Europe on World History

In its long history, Western Europe has left an indelible mark on world history. The continent has been home to many important political, economic and cultural developments that have transformed the way in which people around the world interact with one another. Western Europe is also well known for its conflict-laden past, including wars, revolutions…

Why Join the Western History Association?

The Association encourages the study of the North American West in its broadest sense, promoting research, teaching, writing, publishing, and presentation of its history. Members include historians, writers, educators, museum professionals, and others interested in the peoples, places, and events that made the Wild West so fascinating in the last half of the nineteenth century—lawmen…

The Western History Museum is a Must-See for History Lovers

In a world of fast-paced, ever-shifting information, the western history museum offers an opportunity to slow down and take in the rich culture that has shaped America’s West. The museum’s expansive collections and engaging exhibitions allow visitors to learn more about a region that has permeated our nation’s history and mythology. The Museum of the…