A Brief Overview of Western History

western history

Western history is the study of the development of western civilization. This civilization has its origins in Europe and is linked to ancient Greece and Rome. Later, it experienced some transformative times as the Medieval Western Christendom developed. Here is a brief overview of the development of western civilization. It has a very layered history.

Migrations from non-Western lands changed European societies. New communities of people of different cultures grew up in Western cities. They were initially greeted with suspicion and hostility. It took many years for them to integrate into these new societies. As a result, the idea of superiority was a key premise for the development of Western civilization.

The Industrial Revolution brought unprecedented growth to European society, coinciding with the idea that Western Civilization was superior to non-Western civilizations. In the eighteenth century, Europeans discovered how to harness coal energy. This energy underwrote the dramatic expansion of European technology, wealth, and military power. But the power of this civilization was built on the backs of workers paid subsistence wages.

The Western History Association is an association of western history enthusiasts. The organization has sponsored numerous meetings in various western cities over the years. The association brings together academic historians and writers who are interested in studying this rich heritage. The western heritage is a very complicated and bloody subject. Fortunately, there are many resources available to students and scholars who want to learn more about it.

Christianity played an important role in Western civilization. It inspired beautiful art and music. It also was the basis of learning and scholarship for centuries. Christianity also justified the aggressive expansion of many European kingdoms. It was believed that people who practiced other religions were pagans and infidels. And in the end, Christianity influenced the development of many other parts of the world.

In the 17th century, the great monarchies of Europe expanded their power. The continent grew in size, wealth, and autonomy. The nations also hardened their national borders. In addition, European powers began colonizing the world and exploiting people and natural resources for their own benefit. This led to a variety of cultures and societies.

In the 12th century, a native of Cordoba, Ibn Rushd, also known as “Averroes”, wrote commentaries on Aristotle. This was the beginning of European civilization. The Middle East, by contrast, was ruled by the Ottoman Empire and Persia.

The 19th century saw unprecedented industrialization in Europe. Cities grew in size and the middle class became an influential part of society. This social change coincided with revolutionary changes in thought. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution encouraged a more secular outlook in society. In short, it set the foundation for modern individualism.

The first volume of the textbook covers the origins of civilization in Mesopotamia around 8,000 BCE through the early Middle Ages in Europe. Other chapters cover the Middle East, the Ottoman Empire, and women’s history.

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