The European Renaissance – A Study in Human History

western history

The European Renaissance – A Study in Human History

Western history covers a period of about five thousand years. During that time period, many great civilisations emerged in the area that was now known as Europe. These were mostly divided into two main groups – the ancient Romans on the west and the Eastern Roman Empire on the east.

Most people who study history are interested in how different civilizations changed and developed over time. This can be seen by looking at how every single civilization has developed differently, with each having a different emphasis and different strengths and weaknesses. It also helps to know what happened in between the historical eras. For example, during the rise of the Eastern Roman Empire, there were civilizations that didn’t have any written language, and this became a huge problem as they did not record anything.

One of the most important elements to studying the history of the Roman Empire is learning how the first Roman soldiers fought. This will help you appreciate their tactics, training and abilities. In addition to this, you will understand why the first Romans couldn’t hold off the invading barbarians. At the start of the third century BCE the Romans had just begun the Common Era. This was the first period in history when several independent cultures emerged. As the first generation of Romans began to die off, new ones formed and grew stronger than their predecessors.

The fourth and fifth centuries BCE witnessed the start of the Christian era, which was a golden age for Rome as it expanded its influence to the farthest corners of the globe. Christianity brought with it the idea of the cross as a symbol of salvation, which is something that all civilisations carry on to this day. The development of Athens came about in the fourth and fifth centuries BCE with the Pelasgians taking control of Athens. The Sophists, the schoolmen who would later become famous philosophers, arrived at the city after about 600 years.

The sixth century CE witnessed the rise of Charlemagne, one of the greatest European monarchs. His period saw the beginning of the decline of the Roman Empire. Although he was the last European ruler of the Western world, he left a lasting impression on his countrymen. Other great figures who also lived during this time include William the Conqueror, who converted to Christianity and became the strongest protector of the faith in Europe, and William Wallace, a Scot who fought against the English for Scotland. Some other notable men include Louis the XIV of France, whom some regard as the model for King Louis XIV of France, and Charlemagne, who reigned for about a hundred years.

Throughout the late Middle Ages, Spain, Britain and France were under Muslim rule. Under the Muslim Empire, which was known as the Arabs, there was an uneasy alliance between Islam and Europe, and the language, Arabic was widely used. As Islam spread further eastwards, so did the Arab language. Many scholars believe that this language, combined with the Arabic which had been spoken by the Arabs before Islam, helped to shape modern Arab culture. Modern Europe, in turn, adopted many Islamic customs and languages, including Arabic, giving western civilisation an invaluable contact with the ancient civilizations of the east.

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