A Brief Overview of North America

north america

A Brief Overview of North America

North America is an extremely large continent, lying between the Pacific and the Arctic Oceans. It is the most southern continent by land mass and is bordered by Latin America on one side, through central Mexico to the south and east, and by the Caribbean on the west and eastern flanks. It is also the easternmost continental border of the western hemisphere. It is the largest continent in the world by surface area, and its land mass is second only to the Himalayas in terms of total land mass.

North America is the world’s largest continent by land mass and the third-most-comprehensive landmass in the world. The eastern part of this continent, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, is known as the United States of America. It is the richest continent in the world in terms of natural resources, as it has over four tenths of the world’s total natural gas and oil resources. Some of its most important industries include petroleum and coal, which account for over 25% of its gross domestic product (GDP).

Contrary to popular belief, North America does not have oceans surrounding it on all sides. In fact, there are no oceans or seas to the north of the continent, although they are very deep. North America’s northern-edge slopes into the Arctic Ocean, while the southern-edge slopes into the Gulf of Mexico.

North America’s arctic region is covered with tundra, including the vast taillights of the Canadian arctic tundra. These areas have the coldest climate in the north and provide some of the most desirable living conditions. These areas are also mountainous, because they are covered with tundra. Many of these mountains are thousands of metres high. The ice-cap is less than three metres thick over some areas, but the ice in the winter is very thick and it is easy to navigate even in the winter.

The central United States is a landlocked desert, with the exception of a large section of land in the south-west. The upper portion of this area is desert and the lower portion is land that slopes towards the Gulf of Mexico. The most southerly part of this area, from Texas to New Orleans, is land that slopes towards the Gulf. The Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean are to the east and west of this area. The western portion is bordered by the Caribbean Sea.

There are two important land bridges across the continent, connecting Canada and the United States. These are the transcontinental railroad (also known as the railway of the north) and the Canadian Pacific Railway. Neither of these railways run west to east, but east to north. The US portion of the railway follows the eastern edge of the continental divide.

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