An Introduction to America History

America has a long and varied history. It is a story of conquests, wars and political experimentation. It is also a story of economic and social struggles, successes and failures. The United States is one of the largest, most powerful countries in the world. It is home to a diverse population of people with many different backgrounds, beliefs and opinions.

The American history timeline begins with the arrival of Europeans in North America. The first permanent settlement was established in 1565 at St Augustine in present-day Florida by Spanish explorers. Then, beginning in the 17th century, English settlers began to settle in Virginia and New England. This was followed by the arrival of other Europeans from Spain, Portugal, France and Germany. The expansion of European colonialism in the Americas was fueled by the desire to trade and to acquire natural resources.

During this period, the economy became increasingly industrialized. The use of coal, oil, other metals and wood exploded. This created a huge waste problem as the products were used up so quickly. Air and water pollution were also problems caused by these new factories.

In the 19th century, American individualism emerged as a core ideology. This was influenced by New England Puritanism and the philosophy of Jeffersonian natural rights. This philosophy had a more aggressive and harsh side when it was infused with white supremacy and fascism. During this time, the Ku Klux Klan was active and committed a number of acts of violence against African Americans.

By the end of the Civil War, slavery was abolished and African Americans were given full citizenship. However, they were still not treated equally in the South. This discrimination was the subject of much agitation and protest in the 20th century. It was finally brought to a head in the 1970s and 80s when African-American, Chicano and women demanded greater equality.

Other major events in America history include the election of Barack Obama as president in 2008, the Great Recession that started in 2009 and the oil spill in 2010. The United States entered the Cold War with the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, and the country was involved in wars in Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan during this time.

In the 21st century, the country has experienced a rise in terrorist attacks by Al Qaeda and other groups. This has led to the US waging a “war on terror” in which thousands of soldiers have been killed. The country has also faced a growing number of challenges to its democracy as the power and influence of corporations have increased, while the middle class has declined. This has resulted in more anger at the government and a movement to limit the powers of the federal executive branch. The tea party movement and the Occupy Wall Street movements are examples of this.

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