How to Learn About the History of the United States

The 400-year history of the United States is a tough but exciting study, but it can also be a little intimidating. For starters, you’ll learn about the brutality and violence against the native population and the importation of slaves from Africa. You’ll also learn about the importance of liberal democratic capitalism and the enlightened wisdom…

A Look at Western History

Western history is a branch of world history that is connected to ancient Greece, the Mediterranean, and the Roman Empire. This branch of western civilization traces its roots to those of the ancient Greeks and Romans and developed in Europe. Here’s a look at the key points in western history. These are a few of…

What Is North America?

What Is North America? North America is a continent almost entirely located within the Western Hemisphere. It can be thought of as the northern subcontinent of the Americas. Although it is divided into two parts, it is largely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, it can be considered a part of the Northern Hemisphere. The…

The Western Trail

History has often referred to the Great Western Trail as the Cattle Route, but it is much more than that. In the 19th century, this trail was a major means of transporting cattle and horses to eastern markets. In the west, the Great American Expansion Trail (GTE) carried cargo from Texas and California to New…

Need a General Education Requirement That Provides a Focus on the History of the West? Try a Course in Western History

Western history is the history of Europe as a whole. It includes all the events and happenings in Europe before the Renaissance, during the Carolingian period and after the Counter-Reformation. It is also very important to include the four great Medieval periods as well as the further periods that formed the foundations of Western civilization….